電子期刊 進階查詢

查詢結果: 6 篩選 : 資料類型 EJ remove 出版社/平台 JSTOR Arts and Sciences II remove A-To-Z c remove
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JSTOR Arts and Sciences II&filter_field=pub.raw&filter_op=term&filter_term=c ->
  • 1. Canadian journal of economics = Revue canadienne d'économique.

    0 0 0
  • 2. Canadian journal of political science.

    0 0 1
  • 3. Comparative politics.

    0 0 12
  • 4. Comparative studies in society and history.

    0 0 3
  • 5. Cultural anthropology : journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology.

    0 0 2
  • 6. The China quarterly.

    0 0 6